The college was founded in 2000. It is located in the Rau suburban, of Indore city, Madhya Pradesh India Medi-Caps Institute of Technology and Management is managed by Medi-Caps Charitable Trust, Indore, constituted under provision of stature 28 of M.P. Vishwavidyalaya Adhinium 1973, and the AICTE Act. Shri R.C. Mittal, an industrialist, is the Chairman of the Governing Council. Shri. R.C. Mittal Industrialist Chairman Prof. Y.P. Singh, Director MITS Nominee AICTE Member Dr. Shamsher Singh CED, Medi-Caps Indore Member Dr. Sunil K. Somani Director, MITM(Engineering) Member Secretary Dr. S. R. Kumar Director, MIST(Engineering) Medi Caps Institute of Science and Technology.
Minimum Eligibility
PCM-12th or Diploma As per the state govt rule.
Admission Year
Admission Details
Admission Criteria
Admission on the basis of PET, Madhya Pradesh, JEE, All India Application form - Office of Professional Examination Board or State Engineering College